Influenza Virus Recombinant Proteins

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Not seeing the strain or subtype you need here?  This is only a small representation of our products.  We have recombinant influenza proteins to 5 subtypes of the virus with proteins synthesized from sequences derived from as many as 65 strains per viral subtype.  The easiest way to see all available products is to type the strain or subtype you’re interested in into the search box above!

H5N1 Subtype

The H5N1 subtype of influenza (bird flu) has been of significant interest since the 1996 outbreak in China, which then transmitted to people and in some cases lead to a 60% mortality rate among those infected.  Additionally, the virus has lead to the culling of over 200 million birds and financial loses exceeding $10 billion.  enQuire BioReagents carries several bio-active versions of the Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase subunits from over a dozen lineages of the H5N1 strain. These are just a few of those available. We have over 30 recombinant proteins which we’ve synthesized based upon sequences of many strains.  To see them all, search here.

H1N1 Subtype

The H1N1 subtype of influenza is widely considered to be the most common subtype of influenza. H1N1 was the cause of the 1918 flu pandemic and a more recent pandemic known in the media as the swine flu, that killed 17,000 people. Various strains of H1N1 are endemic to humans, birds and swine. enQuire BioReagents is proud to make available to the research community a wide range of H1N1 strain subtypes. We sell both the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase surface proteins, as well as several other proteins of interest to this virus.  Our proteins are highly purified, removed of all endotoxins and closely tested for quality.   We have 7 recombinant H1N1 proteins which are also from sequences of many identified strains. Please click here to see them all. 

H3N2 Subtype

The H3N2 influenza variant is of interest for several reasons. Most recently, H3N2v with the H1N1 (2009) matrix protein was found in people in 2011 after being first detect in U.S. pig stock. From 2011 to 2012, over 300 cases of the H3N2v were discovered in people. Given the virus’s adaptation of the more spreadable H1N1 matrix gene, researchers continue to keep a close eye on this strain. enQuire BioReagents offers several lineages and proteins from the H3N2 influenza subtype. These are just a few of those available. To see our full line of H3N2 proteins, please click here.

Influenza B

Influenza B is the second most common seasonal flu type, after Type A Influenza and therefore the second most clinically relevant family of flu virus. It is not subdivided in to subtypes or strains, but rather discussed in lineages.  Only two lineages of Influenza B are currently in circulation, B/Yamagata/16/88 and B/Victoria/2/87, however, several other lineages do exist and enQuire is pleased to carry these as well.  To see our Influenza B proteins, please click here.

Influenza Virus Recombinant Proteins