Our History
Carefully curated reagents for reliable results. That is our focus at enQuire BioReagents. With enQuire, you always know what product you’re getting – we promise complete transparency. Every product is validated on every lot, every time. And while enQuire Bio may be new, its founders have a long history of research and life sciences experience. We have a combined 14 publications in peer reviewed journals, 22 conference presentations, 14 years in entrepreneurial business in the life sciences space and 18 years in lab research. You can trust enQuire BioReagents for your research needs.
What’s Around the Corner
Right now we are working on developing a completely new type of affinity reagent that we believe will open up new areas of life science research and diagnostics.
Our Future
As much as we appreciate the past, our vision is always towards the future. It is our hope that enQuire can become so much more than a life sciences company. As we grow, we hope to help other scientists bring their ideas and values to the market, while they retain their rights to the benefits of such actions. What could we accomplish if the barriers to successful development and dissemination of scientific ideas were lowered or removed completely?
Curious what we’re up to? Interested in working on the best bioreagents team in the industry? Fill out the form: